A Responsible Hike across China’s Great Wall
A Responsible Hike
across China’s Great Wall
Our sustainable range of breathtaking excursions includes hiking the stunning Jinshanling
side of the Great Wall, often void of explorers. Venture into areas where stunning
vistas present themselves with this coiling monument fading behind the horizon.
The Great Wall of China, one of the Wonders of the Ancient World, has withstood the test of time and still keeps visitors in awe for its sheer size, beauty and the history behind its construction. Experts believe that this fortification against invasions from the north used to run for over 6200 9900 kilometres.
Nowadays, an impressive 6000 kilometres of the wall remain visible, with the majority largely not within the visor of many explorers. When an adventure is on your bucket list, and you want to combine this with the Great Wall, this full-day trekking over this man-made marvel is just the adrenaline rush you’re looking for.

08:00 - 17:00
Slightly further away than its popular Mutianyu brother, the Great Wall section at Jinshanling in the mountainous Luanping region is a 10.5-kilometre long Valhalla for avid photographers. Its location surrounding and on top of the Gold Mountain has earned it a place where one can admire its coiling and twisting architecture.
As soon as we leave Beijing, expect a long drive to the start of our 2-3 hour hike across the Jinshanling section (from Longyukouin in the west to the Wangjinglou Tower). We will do all possible to avoid the crowds and give you a Robinson Crusoe feeling when scaling the steep yet well-restored part of China’s main line of defence, starting during the reign of Qin Shi Huang Di in 221 BC. The Great Wall sections bear their name, mainly because it originally was a series of smaller walls built to repel northern invaders. It was not until the unification of the empire that the various sections were linked up.
Hiking, accompanied by an expert hiking guide who knows all the ins and outs of this part of the Great Wall of China is arguably a more powerful sight than the more crowded parts at Badaling and Mutianyu. We guarantee you; it will leave you with no doubt that this is remote territory. Walking past some of its unusual feats, such as the Barrier Walls (walls constructed within the main wall) and seeing names at each of the watchtower proofs that the significance of the Jinshanling section is beyond anything one can imagine. We include a local lunch during this hiking tour near the impressive East 5-Hole Guard Tower.
Stand atop one of the ancient watchtowers and cast your eye towards the horizon, taking in its vast scale as it snakes across the top of a steep mountain range is probably the best memory you keep once you end the hike. A long day comes to an end when we arrive back in Beijing at around 5 pm.