Master authentic Sichuan cooking in Chengdu

Master authentic Sichuan cooking in Chengdu

Chengdu, celebrated as the hometown of the giant panda and honoured as a UNESCO City of Gastronomy, offers an unparalleled culinary experience. Sichuan cuisine, one of China’s eight major culinary traditions, has evolved over centuries, earning international acclaim for its bold flavours and intricate techniques. While savouring authentic Sichuan dishes is a highlight of any visit to Chengdu, learning to prepare them adds a unique and interactive element to your itinerary.

In this exclusive cooking class, guests get a hands-on experience learning about the rich history and culinary traditions of Sichuan. In the kitchen, participants don a chef’s uniform and learn to create iconic dishes such as kung pao chicken and Sichuan braised eggplant under the expert guidance of master chefs. During the class, guests will learn more about the essential ingredients that define Sichuan’s distinctive flavours, sourced directly from local markets.

Master essential culinary skills, from knife techniques to heat control while cooking up a Sichuan culinary sensation. After preparing the dishes, guests will receive personalised feedback from the chef before enjoying their self-made meal for lunch. To commemorate the experience, guests receive an official certificate of achievement.

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