Bear care and conservation in Laos

Bear care and conservation in Laos

Free the Bears is a charitable organisation that has helped rescue over 1,000 bears, including some of the world’s most vulnerable bear species such as sun bears, moon bears and sloth bears. In Laos, the organisation provides a sanctuary for bears where visitors can gain a better understanding of the threatened species and learn about ongoing conservation efforts.

Gain an insight into the different bears in residence through a treasure hunt or team activity organised at the sanctuary. Different games and activities can be arranged depending on group size. During the visit, participants can get involved in preparing nutritious treats for the bears to devour.

The bear sanctuary is located on the outskirts of Luang Prabang and contains an animal hospital where visitors can meet with the bears’ caregivers. This experience takes place in a natural environment, where it is possible to encounter other wild animals such as golden cats, gibbons, macaques, red pandas and jackals.

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