Planting coral in Indonesia

Planting coral in Indonesia

Asian Trails in partnership with Bali Blue Harmony (BBH) – a well-established NGO dedicated to marine conservation – engaged in a programme to restore delicate coral ecosystems in the sea off Bali.

The choice of Nusa Dua highlighted the significance of preserving marine life in a region known for its natural beauty.  Twenty-nine of our Indonesia office staff participated with their counterparts from BBH and the group collectively created steel ‘reef stars’ which are attached to coral fragments, creating a framework for flourishing corals when placed underwater.

Coral reefs provide an important ecosystem for marine life, protect coastal areas by reducing the power of waves hitting the coast and they provide a crucial source of income for millions of people through sea food yields. The Coral Triangle, a coral-rich marine region in South-East Asia, which includes the sea off Indonesia, is the most biologically diverse marine ecosystem on Earth.

For more details about our sustainable activities, contact Asian Trails Indonesia.

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