Asian Trails backs Myanmar deaf initiative

Asian Trails backs Myanmar deaf initiative

As part of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in Myanmar, Asian Trails has supported the Mary Chapman School for the Deaf in Yangon for over 20 years. One of the most recent CSR projects to benefit this institution was conducted by Pamela McCourt Francescone’s organisation, Link for Aid. The initiative involved giving eight deaf children smartphones, followed by training from an Italian professional photographer on how to capture the best images.

The children then spent a week taking photographs of ‘Their Yangon’ – an exercise to see how they perceived their home city. Collectively, they took an impressive 18,000 images. This creative output resulted in a book called ‘Silent Yangon’ and a movie entitled ‘The Sound of Images’. This can be accessed at: Link for Aid is a non-profit NGO that helps to improve the lives of marginalised children in Cambodia and Myanmar. To make a contribution to the Mary Chapman School for the Deaf, please access: 

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