Asian Trails 2021 Annual Sustainability Report

Asian Trails 2021 Annual Sustainability Report

Asian Trails’ 2021 Annual Sustainability Report is a summary of how we conduct business with a sense of responsibility.

Led by in-country sustainability coordinators who evaluate our daily operations, this latest edition focuses on the development of new Sustainable Trails, within our ESTEEM principles; Eat locally, Stay eco-friendly, Transport alternatively, Experience meaningfully, Empower viably and Make a difference. This enlightened approach is favourable to both the environment and our host communities and it enables us to deliver extraordinary experiences with a reduced carbon footprint.

Working with partners who share these ideals ensures we can achieve a collective aim – to leave a destination the same way we found it so future generations can safeguard and cherish their locality and make a sustainable living from it.

To access the report, please click here.

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