An Asian Trails’ Day in the life of…

An Asian Trails’ Day in the life of…

Emir Cherif – Managing Director, Asian Trails Malaysia

Greetings to everyone from Kuala Lumpur!

I have a two-and-a-half-year-old son. His name is Nour and he is keeping his mother and myself very busy during this lock down period. He might pop -up in any conference call without a prior warning. Sometimes we might get upset and sometimes we laugh about it. With no surprise and as both parents are from the travel industry, his hobby is everything related to travelling such as airplanes, helicopters, trains, boats and hotels. We were lucky that we could travel with him to different parts of the world and specially within Malaysia.

Since the first time we visited Langkawi with him, he fell in love with it. Today if you would ask him where are you from? His reply would be: I am from Langkawi. Every night before to sleep, we would recall our adventures in Langkawi in different hotels we stayed in and places that we had visited. This little experience with him makes us rethink of how lucky we were to be able to travel seemingly and that we will for sure appreciate it even more as soon as the travel restrictions have been eased. In the meantime, we will continue to dream about it and wait patiently for next family adventure. While waiting, we have improved many skills such as hair trimming, baking, cooking, inventing new games for the kids and discover more shopping possibilities online.

Besides that, we have been brainstorming with the our team at Asian Trails on new product ideas and experiences that we can’t wait to explore them in person and share them with you all as soon as the situation permits it. We have also prepared a few webinars to train all our partners on our destinations and what they can offer. Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to send you the details.

Please do take care and stay safe and hopefully we would welcome you in our part of the world, sooner than expected.

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