An Asian Trails’ Day in the life of…

An Asian Trails’ Day in the life of…

Thomas Carnevale – Managing Director, Asian Trails Myanmar

These are unprecedented times and probably none of us has ever experienced a similar situation like this before. As experienced tourism professionals though, that have seen many other crises smaller and bigger come and go we can be reassured that this shall eventually pass too!

I encourage you to be patient and have faith that there are wonderful times ahead of us!

Some say the tourism industry will not be the same anymore once we emerge from this crisis. Let me guarantee you one thing that will not change for sure. Asian Trails will continue to be here as your trustworthy, reliable, innovative and competitive partner to show you the best our Asia has to offer.

Wherever you are in the world, dreaming about the next experiences you are about to create for your clients please be reminded of the following. While we are all in this business to make a profit, this industry is foremost about the planet and the people that inhabit it. Asian Trails is here to help you create holidays that are not only mesmerizing and memorable but are also as sustainable as possible. Our aim is to support as many livelihoods as possible and protect them and the environment in the best possible ways.

While we dream and imagine the next tour we are going to create for our mutual guests please make sure that yourself, friends, family and the community you live in stay healthy and are safe.

Let me close with one of my favorite quotes: ‘Truly rich are those that have more dreams than reality can destroy’. Therefore, keep dreaming; travel later!

With those words we wish you all the very best for the challenges ahead and we look forward to work with you in the not too distant future!

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