An Asian Trails’ Day in the Life of…

An Asian Trails’ Day in the Life of…

Xiaolin Zhang – Managing Director, Asian Trails China

“Today is 31 March, the last day of March 2020, a date which gives me an illusion of not real but actually a real truth. I received a phone call from Yichang, an important city for Yangtze River Cruise, afriend living in this city told me with excitement that the quarantine is finished finally, I’m so happy for her! Then came up with more good news, the Great Wall is re-opened, Wuhan City will is to lift the travel ban next week, 90 days past, our life is returning back to normal.

When I look back to this isolation period in China, we have gone through a panic January, a dark February and a March with light at the end of the tunnel.

Back to 23 January, the day to start our Chinese New Year holiday, I have decided to cancel my flight to my mum’s home due to the coronavirus. Staying together with parentsit is Chinese tradition in New Year, but the coronavirus outbreak changed our routine. So I started my New Year holiday in Beijing, and preparing the raviolis is the most symbolic thing to do in Northern China, they are in shape of Gold Ingot of Ancient China, Chinese people wishes this symbolic food brings the luck and prosperity.

After Chinese New Year Holiday, our China team started to work from home, the whole February was the darkest month in China, as the figure of new cases was going up everyday in Hubei, and the lively street in former days was totally empty. Some day in February,I was following the news of coronavirus in Wuhan, the increasing figure of the victim made me sad, I had a moment of darknessinside, while when I turned and looked at my working place at home, I saw a ray of weak light coming in through the window,it was something bright in my wet eyes and a hope raised from heart, a ray of light!

I took the picture, a moment whichmakes the hope eternal. And, I want to share this moment with you now, HOPE is there even in the darkest time”

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