Reviving coral reefs in Indonesia
Tailored to your desires
To make a rewarding personal contribution to marine biodiversity and the protection of sea life in Indonesia, visitors to the island of Nusa Penida can adopt a coral.
This helps to rehabilitate reefs in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area. The option exists to plant the coral directly while snorkelling around the coral garden. Alternatively, a diver can do it on the sponsor’s behalf. Participants will learn about rehabilitation techniques and receive a photo of the tagged coral and an ‘Adopt-A-Coral’ certificate. They will also receive an update about their planted baby coral’s state of growth.
The initiative has been created by the Nuansa Pulau Community Group, in conjunction with the Coral Triangle Centre, an independent, non-profit foundation focused on the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources across the Coral Triangle area.
Half day
For both ladies and gentlemen, we recommend wearing light, comfortable cotton clothing and comfortable shoes.
Nusa Penida
For the best experience, the main group will be split up in smaller groups, each with their own guide. It is not recommended due to the nature of the experience to have the complete group going through this experience.